Friday, October 26, 2012

Y'know...I haven't been nearly as prolific as I ought to be the last year or so.

That is because I have not had nearly as much to say.

Hopefully soon that will change. I have alot more to say and when  I have the time, I will be saying a whole lot more!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who won the debate tonight?

I've abandoned the current political system. However...

Who won...Romney. Hands down.
But the old sad tired narrative of government making things's a lie.
doesn't matter if they have an R or a D next to their name. They are all politicians and to them it is a career. It is a path to power. And if you aren't a member of the club, well...just have some more entertainment and some more free stuff and we'll take care of your worries so you don't have to.


The answer though to who really I read on FB. And I have to agree.

The IRS.

I have chosen to abstain form voting. I know there are those of you out there that still buy into the belief that it's our civic duty to vote. But quite frankly, the popular vote does nothing. All it does is make us serfs feel like we have a say. The president is not elected by the popular vote. My vote means absolutely nothing.

I think Americans are beginning to wake up and understand this. At tleast the ones with half a brain in their head. We don't have freedom. We don't have liberty. And voting will not change this.

If Obama wins this election I think we'll see the culmination of tyrrany much quicker than with Romney. I really don't have faith in either one of them, although Romney did talk a really good game tonight. He said what alot of conservatives wanted to hear. He spoke of lower taxes and states rights.
He spoke about the constitution...and quite frankly he showed off his ability to completely dumbfound the idiot in chief with his business acumen...since Obama has none and could not speak intelligently about it without his teleprompter and a speech written by someone else.

I'm not so sure that we're gonna be able to live in a Jeffersonian version of the US. I think that until people can at least agree on the principles that the country was founded on, we'll never see it. The constitution may be a flawd document, but it is a far cry better than damn near anything else anyone has come up with.

The problem is that freedom and liberty are not priveleges. They are inherent rights of the individual. And the Government is an entity that by it's very nature is the antithesis of liberty. Until we can come to terms with that as a nation. We are doomed as a country. Personally I don't much care anymore.
I know many people who are vistims of a failed economy as a result of Government intervention. I also happen to be one, but I am not a victim so much as I was an ignorant but willing participant in my own hardships. I am no longer ignorant. And although I will pay dearly for my mistakes in the past, I will not fall prey to those same pitfalls laid for me again.

Liberty and freedom are not granted folks. And if we are to believe that these concepts have value and meaning, if we believe that these values are righteous, then we must stand up for them. And if necessary fight for them. I am not advocating for war or terrorism. Terrorism is the tool of cowards.
War is the tool of the state. both aim to subjugate the masses.

Do you really think that either one of these men who stood face to face and debated issues like jobs, the economy, you really think they give a damn about your liberty? Obama seeks to transform us into a third world nation. Romney seeks to keep things stable. Neither proposes to actually shrink gov't even to it's original intended purpose.

No, as far as debates go, Romney "won". However in the end. It wasn't Obama that lost the debate. It was the Americans who love liberty. Because really. Not all Americans today can honestly say that they do love liberty. They happily sell their souls to the highest bidder. More free stuff for me! No they are willing slaves.

And although Romney paid lipservice to individual choices and gave the impression of advocating less gov't. I do not believe either candidate truly understands freedom and liberty. I think that both of them believe that their plans for America are in our best interests at least according to their individual perceptions and paradigms. But both believe that the gov't can solve our problems.

Let's face it. Life is not fair. We don't chose where we were born or what we look like. But we can choose to be our own person. To be that individual. That free person.

America as we knew it or have come to know what it was meant to be is doomed. But what most of us fail to realize is that America is an idea and not a geographic location. When the jack boot comes down on our necks, do we kneel down and allow the chains to be welded on, or do we stand in defiance of Tyrrany?

As long as there is even a small spark of liberty held in the heart of even one person. The light of liberty will not die. It may be diminished, but with the proper fuel, a spark can ignite a conflagration.

To those out there who believe in freedom. Hold onto that spark. nurture it and help it to light the tinder of the fire of freedom in others. It is the only hope we have left.

Keep your powder dry...

And die with your boots on.
