Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yet Another Miscarriage of Justice...

I would say this story is unfuckingbelievable, but in light of the recent prosecution of our Navy Seals...I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

H/T: Pat Dollard for pointing me to this story

Military Prosecutors Withold Evidence; Army Ranger Goes to Prison for 25 Years for Shooting Al-Qaeda Operative

Basically, 1LT Behenna killed an Al-Qaeda operative by the name of Ali Mansur. He is sent to prison for murder...25 years. Unfuckingbelievable.

Go to the Defend Michael Behenna Website to read the rest of the story.
Do it. Be outraged. Seriously outraged.


Die with your boots on brothers...



JackBrandt said...

Dude, that is just crazy.

Mjolnir said...

Yeah. it just keeps getting worse...