Saturday, May 15, 2010

....There's Whiskey in the Jar...

Well, it's a Saturday evening here in AZ,

And there was whiskey in the jar...till it got

Well, the whiskey is gone for now... and so is the beer. But seriously folks...there is sooo much that ought to be discussed. Most of it has been beaten to death already, but let's try to touch on a few things that haven't been beaten to death yet....

There's alot of of us who are threepers whether we all realize it or not. and there's alot of constitutionalists as well.

For those of you that don't understand what exactly a "threeper" is let me enlighten you...

You can go to to Mike Vanderbough's site to learn more...

His site is here: Sipsey Street Irregulars.

Mike is the point of the spear.

We won't back up, we're done giving concessions to the enemy in our midst. No more free Waco's, no more free Ruby Ridge's, and no Ft. Sumter's. we will maintain the moral highground. Once the "Leviathan" has stepped over the line, we will drive them back to whatever hiding place they've been in. be it under a slimy rock or whatever else...we will overcome the "Leviathan". It's who we are, and it's what we do. Most of us are former military. we know the deal...

We all took the oath.

To the constitution.

Not a country or a man or a position.

The oath is to an ideal that epitomizes what America means.

Freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Nothing is guaranteed, the opportunity to better yourself is all we promise, it requires hard work and dedication, there are no free lunches. Not in the America I grew up in....

It's time to take our birthright back.


And in the end....

Die with honor...

Die with you boots on my friends and fellow patriots...


1 comment:

Rev. Paul said...

Well said, brother.