Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Freaking Head is about to Explode...

Let's see, first we confirm Sotomayor "La Raza" racist judge tot he supreme court bench. Yeah, I am not surprised, we knew it was coming, but it still chaps my ass.

Now we've officially declared the war on terror overwith. Now we're calling it the War on Al-Qaeda...jeez...semantics and more confuzzling of the idiots that don't get the whole Islamonazi thing. Good job US Gov! /snark on.

We're playing tiptoe through the freakin tulips with Russia.

The White House is actively compiling data with the help of the kool-aid drinkers on anyone critical of the Obamacare debacle.

Our Congresscritters and the MSM are actively portraying a legitimate grassroots movement to be heard as a bunch of paid shills for big medicine and insurance companies, and the rest of us that may not be on the payroll are Nazis wearing swastikas....

Oh let's not forget that Hillary our illustrious secretary of state is supporting the idea we join the International court to try our Troops for international warcrimes...that's gonna go over well. not.

Oh yeah, we're conducting surveillance on the west bank to make sure those darn Joos aren't getting uppity again. WTF? like it's any of our freakin business anyways.

On the upside, a Human rights group has resoundingly defended Israel against hamas, stating that the Rocket attacks...which are unguided and indiscriminate are clear violations of the Geneva Convention and are warcrimes, as opposed to the Joos who actually warned the populace where they were gonna bomb and took great pains to avoid civilian casualties...I applaud them for saying this, but I doubt it will do any good. The damn Lefties here and in Europe seem to be in love with the Islamofascists. Talk about a marriage of convenience. It won't prove so convenient if Hamas and Hizbollah get their way. I doubt they'll show any appreciation for groups like "Queers for Palestine"...I'm jus' sayin'.

I think I'm about done for a couple of days. If I stay off the interwebs for a couple of days, maybe I'll be able to digest all this BS and actually write something insightful...maybe.

Anywho fellow patriots...

Keep your powder dry...

And Die with your boots on...

Scouts Out!


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