Monday, March 2, 2009

Something Distubing...

I received a comment on my last post "The Resistance is Brewing..."
It was a bit odd, given that it was form some person presumably from the Middle East. I won't bother posting the link they left to their page. It was all in Arabic, except for some of the widgets showing the Iraqi death toll since the evil American invasion and other bullshit like that.

The really disturbing thing is that they left a link to a petition. Basically denouncing Israel as a state. On a whim I decided to actually visit this site to see what exactly this thing was all about.

Suffice to say it a whole lot of lies about the state of Israel disguised as some well-researched document. For those of you out there that may actually be interested in seeing what these shitbags have posted online I am going to post a link to their petition. At least for a a couple of weeks or so. I'd like some feedback on this from some of you. Especially Razor Sharp Claws, Findalis and Radarsite. I am not nearly so well versed in Israeli history as Findalis'. But I know enough to know this document is a complete farce.

Here is the Link: Link for Dhimmis wanting to destroy the state of Israel.

I think I'm going to email Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs as well.

Y'know it's pretty jacked up when you're a little blog like me to get so few comments and then to actually get one from a piece of shit Palestinian propogandist...Sigh...

Die with your boots on...


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